Tuesday, November 22, 2011


One of the glories of being a Spanish teacher is that I don't have to read much of my students' English writing. On the rare occasions I do, it makes me want to teach 5th grade grammar and spelling. To all the 5th graders in the country. I would be the most-loathed teacher in these United States, and dadblastit, they would actually be able to communicate with others in their mother tongue. Instead of curling up under my desk and crying (I save that for meany-pants parents), I have been compiling a list of crazily misspelled words for your reading enjoyment and a fun game.

Because if I think about it to much, its enough too make a girl waist a way in destress. Honestly, there lose cents of grammatical structure is the mane issue, but I could ring their necks for some of the spelling mistakes I've scene. Seriously, it makes me want to dye. Lets take a pique into the sole of the problem:

The homonyms... O, the homonyms. One student wrote he was excited to meat Megan Fox... which might be a fun episode of CSI, but nothing at all what he expected. A doodle on the back of a quiz had someone yelling in distress, "Oh no! A bare!" GACK! A bare what? The suspense is killing me! Back in my student teaching days, a student wrote a persuasive essay about keeping pop machines in schools because of all the prophets that come out of it. Why look, Elisha is only a dollar! Or do I want a Diet Moses Dew?

Unfortunately, reading misspelled words all day plays with one's mind. I just misspelled "dollar" three times.

Ok, here's the game! Identify correctly the following words in the comments, and you might wean a pries! I've even been warming up your brains.

  1. annor
  2. musten
  3. saro
  4. baised
  5. barry
  6. zizers
  7. krymet
  8. scelotins (an easy one!)


  1. 1. Honor
    2. Mustang??
    3. Sorrow
    4. Based
    5. Berry
    6. Scissors
    7. Climate ??
    8. Skeletons

    Stephanie helped me with #2. Which is why it's probably wrong. But....

    Dew eye weeean???

  2. Honor, mustn't or moisten, sorrow, biased, bury, scissors, climate or creamed, skeletons. :) Ay when!! Ay when!!

  3. looks like most of them are covered...my guess for 7. is Kermit the frog!!!!?

    your students are funny. :)
