Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sick Day Diary

I felt seriously ill yesterday - the vomity kind. First period was almost over. We were practicing reflexive verbs (whiteboard markers on the desks - they're colorful and easy to read from a distance. Plus, writing on desks makes them feel naughty enough to like grammar drills... weird). And I was certain if we continued I would projectile vomit all over three or four of them. So I told them to put their stuff away while I stepped out in the hallway to lean over the garbage can. They're good kids. Anyway, long story short, I went home.

And stayed there.

Here I am, still at home. Feeling gloriously rebellious even though I was legitimately sick. I do feel much better today (lightheaded and tired, but no tummy troubles). Here was my day:

7:27 Wake up, check time, snuggle with the handsome husband
8ish Read murder mystery (Anne Perry... good stuff)
9ish (Chapter 5) Get hungry, go to kitchen
9:05 Realize kitchen is a dump and wash all the dishes
9:28 Still hungry, make oatmeal with blueberries
9:38 Eat and read... for hours (the reading... the oatmeal only lasted 15 minutes or so)
12:05 Heat soup. Eat and read... again
3:00 Finish book, watch Bones
4:00 Prep for dinner
5:00 Go to gym (I am feeling all the way better by this time)
7:00 Come home, ice knees, blog.

This was the best sick day ever. Sick enough to avoid severe guilt. Not too sick to enjoy. And my kids watched a travel movie. Everyone's happy! So, thanks, nausea, for coming and leaving so quickly so as to improve everyone's Thursday.

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