Monday, September 5, 2011

The end.

I spent all last year thinking about starting a new blog. So much rumination should lead to something almost catastrophically amazing, which is part of the reason I keep putting of the beginning. First Post pressure was just too much for my latent perfectionism. Add the fact that I don't have a focus or area of specialty. I thought about writing a blog for teachers. I thought about a food blog. I thought about a book review blog. What it will probably be is a blog that helps me sort out thoughts, deal with problems, share excitement, and tell the ridiculous stories that my lovely students provide so generously.

In the meantime, it is currently Labor Day, aka'd as the Last Day of Summer Vacation. And a beautiful day it is: sunny and 86. The teacher in me simultaneously wants to triple check that everything actually is ready for the kids and avoids thinking about the new school year because, goshdarnit, I already went in and made all my copies for the next three weeks and make sure my computer login still works (it does). That internal struggle is fed by a severe case of the pre-year nerves. I really don't like the first day of school. I have three sections of strangers coming in to stare at me and challenge me into really becoming an authority figure they can respect (or not). All I know about them are their names, past grades, and disciplinary records (yikes and yikes... what kids get up to these days). We'll see how Mr. 97 disciplinary referrals and 0.6 GPA does. I'm willing to give him a real chance. If all goes well, you won't be hearing about him again.

In anticipation, today I tried on some work clothes to see if and how they fit. And, 10 points for me, I can button up pants that were impossible to pull up all the way last June! That half marathon training is good for something after all! But pride goeth before the fall. I tried on one of my favorites, a nice dove gray sheath, and it zipped all the way up. I spent a few minutes admiring my newly flatter tummy, then turned around. Holy cow, it is a bootytastic dress. That is not a first day dress. I want them to love me for my brain, please, and not notice my rather ample backside. First blow to my vanity.

The next blow came as I was preparing for Labor day small group festivities. Ten minutes before group, I went outside to light the barbecue. A giant ball of flame billowed out, engulfing my head and taking out all the hair on my right forearm, a couple locks on the right side of my head, half my eyelashes, and (strangely) all the hair between my eyebrows. That last bit I'm certain was a gift from Jesus. I won't have to pluck for a while. The rest of it made me shakey, as most of my childhood nightmares involved running away from fire, and deflated. Oh! my vanity. Oh! the first day of school with short short eyelashes and missing chunks of hair. Oh! the end of glorious summer.

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