Wednesday, July 10, 2013


As usual, I've been remiss in my blogging duties.  I've been pretty determined to savor this time with Edson, so that's my excuse!  It will be nice to do more reflecting and documenting.  We've been having a blast so far.  We've introduced Edson to our kiddie pool (full disclosure: purchased last summer for us) and laughed at him pretty thoroughly.  When he's initially dunked, he does this awesome expression (watch his mouth) and arm-flapping:

After the first shock wears off, he has a grand old time:

We did this again in a warmish stream (with a life jacket), a big swimming pool, and the splash pad at a park.  I really want him to like swimming.  This is partly because I really love swimming and I spent hours and hours swimming at the lake, and partly because I'll feel a little better water-safety wise if he's a strong swimming.  I recognize both those things as first-time-mom folly. 

A few weeks ago, the three of us joined some of our favorite people at Birch Bay to celebrate an anniversary in the best possible way: renewing vows with the community that publicly said we'd help support them.  On the beach.  With s'mores and little crabs.

This weekend really reinforced how much I love my friends - and how much I've missed them in this time transitioning to a different church.  They are some of the best people in the world, and I am so thankful for them.

David and I have also spent some time up at the river.  So far, we've mostly just cleaned the cabin to make it habitable (mouse feces... yuck).  Last weekend, though, David took Edson for an hour or so and let me play with my fun camera lens.


  1. Yay, happy to see a blog post! Don't feel guilty for not updating. Then I won't feel guilty for not updating my blog. :) I just love that picture of you and Edson with your blue shirt and his bright blue eyes. My, oh, my. And I REALLY can't wait to go the cabin with you and sit on that red swing! Beautiful bird pictures, by the way!

  2. beautiful photos mary! edson is so fun. i'm glad you are cherishing each moment with him this summer.
