Monday, July 15, 2013

Insanity! Beating the Jelly into Submission

7 things I would like to see in my Insanity DVDs:

  1. Women who have to stop exercising periodically because they have to yawn so big they can't breathe.
  2. Women who have to pause because their baby is crying.
  3. Women who have to wear 2 sports bras or else their boobs hurt so bad from bouncing that they have to hold them to their chests with one arm.  I used to think these women just didn't have bras that fit.  I was wrong.
  4. Anyone yell obscenities at Shaun T.  I can't be the only one.
  5. Women who have jelly-bellies, stretch marks, or a linea negra.
  6. Milk marks.
  7. Anyone gasp witty comebacks at Shaun T.  For example:  Shaun, "You have to focus here!" Me, "I'll focus on (gasp for breath) punching your face (gasp)!"

That said, I do think Shaun T is the least annoying of the exercise-video-coaches I've tried.  And while it's taken me about double the time to do the 60-day series, I'm pretty happy with it overall.  I feel strong.  I have muscles again.  And, I still have a dozen workouts left before my last fit-test and I'm kind of excited to see how I do. 

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