Monday, August 13, 2012


We arrived home from vacation late Saturday night (more on that later), and I was delighted to see my new Cook's Illustrated.  This is the single best cooking resource I have ever used, and I read cookbooks for fun and relaxation.  It's delicious science, and I love it.  This current issue has a recipe for Pad See Ew, my favorite Thai dish.  When I saw it, I cried with happiness (see post regarding 1st trimester woes).

And then I had an epiphany:  I could read about food again without making a frantic run for the bathroom!

The last Cook's issue, I tried to read a little article explaining the most efficient way to shuck corn and failed.  The idea of dealing with or (shudder) eating corn made my stomach turn and I had to put away the magazine unread.  Corn, for heaven's sake.  The mildest of foods.  David pointed out that within 15 minutes of the shucking revulsion incident, I was reading to him in detail about the process of dissecting and preserving Einstein's brain, a topic which didn't bother my sensitive tummy at all.  I don't consider human brain to be food.  No problem.  Dissect away!

So I spent a blissful morning reading my recipes and planning to make Pad See Ew, Saag Paneer, and French apple cake - hopefully this week.  Yum.  Then I got hungry and had to eat second breakfast.  After second breakfast, I went to the grocery store where I made about 47 impulse purchases because I was hungry again.  At noon, I ate lunch.  At 12:56, I ate second lunch because I was famished.  At 3:00, I ate a quarter of a cantaloupe and iced coffee.  At 5:15, cheese and crackers.  There was a cookie in there somewhere.  Dinner's at 7.  It's 5:34, and I'm not sure I can wait that long.  My normal-sized stomach has been replaced with that of a pubescent male.  I am pretty sure I will always be hungry.  After not gaining any weight 1st trimester, I guess it's time to grow a belly.


  1. This made me laugh pretty hard. Keith was super excited about the custard cake, but I was turning six shades of green as he started to describe the methodology. Can't wait to reach the hungry stage too!

  2. I just loved reading this. :) I'm happy you're experiencing all the normal, hilarious and not-so-much things of pregnancy. Can't wait to see that belly grow!
