Friday, April 13, 2012

Are you smarter than a high schooler?

This week is vocabulary week in Spanish 1 and 2! We started new chapters after spring break (photos to follow... eventually), so I've been trying to load their little brains with some Spanish words. The hitch in this endeavor occurs when I define a Spanish word with an English word they don't know. The last five days, I have taught them five words in their native language that were brand spanking new! See if you can define the following:

  1. Enamored
  2. Incendiary
  3. Refuge
  4. Artisan
  5. Tine
And for extra credit, use the following phrase in context: A pitter pat

The first winner may win a limerick!**

**If I'm in as silly a mood then as I am now and have the time to sit down for 20 minutes, neither of which are guaranteed.


  1. Enamored: Fascinated by, intrigued by, the subject of excessive thought

    Incendiary: most often used in the context of "incendiary remarks and/or statements." Usually meaning something to ignite (or en-flame) opposition or passionate responses to.

    Refuge: a safe harbor; somewhere protected

    Artisan: Something artistic(?); Jack in the Box makes sandwiches on this type of bread

    Tine: Follows after "turpin," meaning wine that's gone bad...

    OK... so those last two are a bit of a stretch, but I'd love a limerick! ;)

  2. Since it says "unknown," I figured I should be a little more precise: Published by Danny Steiger ;)

  3. Enamored: deeply in love with, also extremely interested in.

    Incendiary: inflammatory.

    Refuge: a safe place; safety in general.

    Artisan: a maker of specialized goods & materials. Connotes quality and uniqueness, at the expense of easy availability.

    Tine: the pointy bit of a fork, generally they have three or four of them.

    "Their little feet went a pitter pat as they scampered down the stairs to gorge themselves on the chocolate cake and ice cream they suspected was hiding in the kitchen!"

  4. Just means that I have a large vocabulary.

    Which I would damn well hope!

  5. Enamored: To be floored and captivated and immobilized by an object or person.
    Incendiary: A diary you have an incentive to write in. Hah. I don't know this one!
    Refuge: A safe place in the midst of trouble.
    Artisan: A product that is carefully crafted and tended to as opposed to mass-produced and cheaply created.
    Tine: Sounds German to me.

    The cat ran through the house with no more than a pitter pat to be heard.
