Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Sometimes when you are a man..."

Tuesday was a real low point. In first period, one of my second year students was a real jerk. That is surprising for two reasons: they are usually still asleep in first period and unusually compliant, and my second year kids know me and respect me and don't cause discipline problems. So he caught me off guard. He threw a pen across the room to a friend instead of walking it over or passing it along. The friend threw it back. I said, "Please stop throwing pens, you're going to drive me crazy." He responds with tone, "Don't talk to me like that and I'll stop." And throws the damn pen again.

Yup, kicked out. Coach talked to. Mom called. Apology received.

But still, it ate away at me all day. Usually when kids are jerks I shrug it off, laugh at them, and tell funny stories about them. This one really got to me. I'm still trying to figure out why.

Then on Wednesday, I was surprised by another student in 5th period. 5th period is the class that usually makes me want to quit my job before 6th period makes me feel better again. This student, Juan, failed my class last year and is retaking it. He is a clown. Last year, he would flirt with all the girls, shuffle across the room slowly to sharpen his pencil and talk to everyone along the way, and talk in a fake Mexican accent to make the kids around him laugh. He got an A+ in these things, and didn't have enough time for Spanish. He was pretty darn annoying. This year, he's kept the fake accent, but he's also trying pretty hard to do well. And he's grown up quite a bit. Here's our conversation (don't forget to make him speak like Nacho Libre):

Juan: Profesora! shoots his hand straight up in the air
Me: Yes, Juan?
Juan: gestures me over Are you ok today? You seem sad.
Me: I'm having kind of a rough week, but I'll be ok.
Juan: Can I help you? I could tell some jokes and create some laughter.
Me: That would be great, thank you.

And then gave me a high five. It was so unexpectedly compassionate and perceptive I was completely caught off guard. So at least for every demon there's an angel in there too.

1 comment:

  1. wear stretchy pants, yust for fun."

    Good stories. I can't believe that kid responded that way in first period. It really gets under my skin when someone is so deliberately disrespectful and disobedient. Man, you sure are getting some good practice for parenthood with all these scenarios.
