Saturday, February 23, 2013

25 days

Edson is 25 days old today.  His presence still seems pretty surreal, and I'm trying to soak up every cuddly moment of him.

My favorite things:

  • Dimples, especially when accompanied by a smile (which may be gas, but it's still cute).
  • When he sneezes, sometimes he makes this little noise after. Achoo, achoo, earrm! Like what just happened??
  • His soft hair.
  • His eyes are so alert and pretty.
  • His little shoulders
  • Snuggles. He is one seriously cuddly baby.
  • He stares at this black and white screen David set up to let in natural light and still cover me when I'm feeding the little guy in the living room.  He stares at it every day like it's the most fascinating thing he's every seen. Sometimes when he's crying it calms him right down to be near it.
  • The way his hands are always moving around on his face and head, on my hand, even when he's punching, scratching, pushing, and pinching my boob.
  • When he half frowns when I'm talking to him. 
  • When he stares at me.
  • I'm still at a point at which I think his poop is funny.  It gets everywhere. Seriously, everywhere. 
  • Giving him a bath - even though it's tricky, he seems to like it and his hair is so fluffy after.

Things that are difficult:
  • Feeding him every 2-5 hrs around the clock. And being the only one who can. 
  • Breastfeeding in general. Two words: cracked nipples.
  • When he cries, there's a visceral reaction. My stomach clenches and I start crying if I can't help.
  • He started making this new noise.  It's a cross between a hunting pterodactyl's I'm-moving-in-for-the-kill cry and a tortured cat.  It's awful.  Thankfully, he did it for a day straight, but it's fairly uncommon anymore.
  • That hormone slump that happens the same day your milk comes in. Engorged, painful boobs and feelings of inadequacy and despair! At the same time!
  • That super-cuddly business?  Not so cute at 4:30 a.m. when he WILL NOT sleep in his bed.  Or swing.  And hasn't slept there all night no matter how hard we try.
But look at him! Totally worth it.

Photo by Vanessa Hadford
Photo by Vanessa Hadford

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