Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Names: how to be cruel to your children forever

I've been looking at lists of baby names recently and decided this game is hard.  I want a name that is meaningful, difficult to mock, goes with my last name without sounding stupid, and is unique but not weird.  That's a lot to think about.  Mostly, we've come up with joke lists of names we'd never actually name our children (Crusher came from one of these lists).  Hercules, Vader, Jezebel, Hammer, Mousse, Influenza, etc.  You try!  See, it's a fun game!

Today, I started reading other people's comments about name lists.  Here are some of their suggestions from the literary list:

Ariel (for a boy)

And one I'm considering telling people just for kicks:  Sloane

I can't judge, really, because they might be joking.  They might be 13 years old.  They might want their children to be mocked to build character.  But seriously, people!  For your children's sake!

Pregnant, part 1

Now that my first trimester is almost over (oh please, oh please, be over soon), I feel the need to write a venting post about the woes of the first 13 weeks to be published when everyone knows about little Crusher.

*Crusher is the name for our firstborn.  At first it was a joke, but after referring fondly to my forming fetus as Crusher for the last 9 weeks, it's grown on me.  I think I like it.  It doesn't even sound like a joke anymore.

A couple weeks ago, I was reading the symptoms of the first trimester out loud to my roommate, Stephanie.  As I put that sentence into words, I realize I owe her an apology.  That's boring and lame.  I should talk about more interesting things.  Sorry, Steph!  As I was suffering from all but two on the list, here is a list of those symptoms and how I (mostly) coped (but not without some whining).

Fatigue:  I slept.  And slept and slept and slept.  Last night, I went to bed at around 10 and woke up this morning at 9:24.  I frequently take naps for three hours at a time, wake up, eat dinner, and go back to bed for the night.  When I was working, I came home from work, ate a snack, and napped as long as I could.  If I didn't take naps, I fell asleep anyway.  In an upright sitting position at small group during prayers, for example (sorry, small group!).  I never liked naps.  I still don't like them, really.  They make me feel groggy and grumpy.  But they happen whether I like them or not, so I might as well be in bed instead of getting a terrible neck cramp for which I cannot take ibprofun on the couch, at the table, in a chair, or on the floor.  I didn't know a person could be this tired.  Making a placenta will do this, apparently.

Nausea:  Morning sickness, yes. But the nausea is the Absolute Worst in the evening and right before bed.  This, unfortunately, is generally the time to hang out with people and talk to them.  Magic pills from the doctor help, but I feel funny about taking pills (yes, I lean toward Unreasonably Safe Behaviors).  I take it when I have to interact with people during a peak queasy period.  Otherwise, I try to be a good listener and questions that will have long answers.  I can listen, I just don't want to talk.  How IS your little brother?  He just got out of jail, right?  What's your dissertation about again?  Tell me about your boss.  How did the monthlong visit with your in-laws go?

Excess saliva:  I'm not actually sure what to do about this.  Don't wear white while giving in to a cheetos craving.  That's really the only thing I learned.

Gas:  David and I developed a system for this years ago.  If I fart in public, he apologizes.  If he does, I say, "Excuse me!"  Most of the time I get the short end of the stick, but I anticipate an evening of the score shortly.

Food aversions and cravings:  I used to love food.  Everything about it!  I loved thinking about menus, grocery shopping, cooking, and eating.  I hope that comes back.  It's a big joy I took for granted.  I don't really like food anymore.  Except saltines and yogurt.  I like those still.  Vegetables have developed a strong bitter flavor and all taste the same.  I eat two bites of chicken and feel suddenly full (or nauseated).  I can't even be in the same room as eggs or garlic.  Now, a girl can't live a happy life on saltines and bland pasta.  So here's hoping I can eat again soon and like it.

Headaches:  Use headaches as an excuse to go to bed early (see Fatigue), watch your favorite TV show on Netflix, or eat ice cream.  Ice cream is a little known home remedy for headaches and many other symptoms on this list.

Clothes feeling snugger:  Summertime is the best time for this.  I pretty much just wear yoga pants or dresses.  Every day.

Mood swings - I am going to cry at some point every day.  Recognize this fact.  Stop wearing mascara. Cry happily whenever I want to.  That puppy is so cute - sob!  There's a baby shoe on the sidewalk, poor baby! - sniffle.  I can't have gorgonzola on my salad - tear sliding quietly down my cheek.  I just want to like food again - wail!

Worry:  Am I even pregnant?  Is Crusher ok?  I've been waiting to hear a heartbeat for about 10 weeks now, which feels like an eternity.  I only have to wait two more days.  In the meantime, here is my first baby bump picture:
11 weeks, 5 days

Welcoming Someone New!

We're welcoming Baby Sloan sometime late January!

All photos taken by the lovely and talented Stephanie Hendricks.