After a dramatic and rather discouraging day, I was feeling a little down. Until a kid in the back raises his hand and asks, "Why are there worms on my desk?"
A little background

They are ugly and squirmy and gigantic. I usually like bugs, and I love worms... but these... look like alien parasites. I shuddered and gagged a little and itched all over for no reason. And decided they could keep them. They're not hurting anyone (yet...), and they're not too distracting (yet). So the student who found them made them a scenic view and gave them a bigger cup. I'm hoping they turn into beetles soon. The beetles are way cuter than the aliens, although they're growing on me (oh, eew. Not literally. Now I'm itchy again).
We did have to have a discussion about pet responsibility. He must change their sawdust soon, as it smells like bug poo already. And he has to feed them. I found a little box of Wheaties, and I've been sneaking them pieces of my mid-morning fruit. Please enjoy the pictures of our new little friends, Kid Swagg and Sir Swaggs-a-lot.