Sunday, May 31, 2015

Edson at 2 1/3

His Favorite Things: 

  • Garbage trucks, garbage day, the "garbage truck guys" (who know him because he and grandma have been known to chase them around the neighborhood watching them work)
  • Fire trucks (which he calls fire engines about half the time)
  • Books (in particular, books with fire or garbage trucks)
  • Singing the ABC song.  Sometimes he'll let you sing along, but sometimes he yells, "NO! Edson wants to do it!"
  • Playing outside.  He goes from bubbles to sidewalk chalk to his toy lawnmower to digging in my raised beds to playing in his sandbox in a quick circuit.  5 reps each, 5 circuits.  
  • His train set.  I'm not usually allowed to actually touch the trains, but I can put the track together and reinforce prepositions ("The train is balancing on top of the bridge!  Under the bridge! Over the bridge! Up the bridge! Down the bridge!" - that's Edson talking.  He is a talker.)
My Favorite Things:

  • Hearing him sing when he is supposed to be sleeping.  He usually sings Baby Beluga, ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle, or Jesus Loves Me.
  • Asking who he wants to pray for.  It's a really sweet (and illuminating) glimpse into who he thinks about.  
  • When he runs up to me at full speed and hugs me.
  • When he tries to entice me to play with him during naptime: "MAMA! You wanna play basketball? MAMA! You wanna play with trains? MAMA! You wanna go outside? For a couple minutes?" (this is also somewhat irritating, as I want him to nap SO MUCH)
  • When he calls us by our first names. "Hey, Mary, wanna make you special coffee? Hey, David, wanna make some muffins? Hey, Margaret, you wanna play outside?"
  • His favorite foods.  They include normal things like cookies, quesadillas, french fries, peanut butter sandwiches.  And random things.  Gnocchi. Mango. "Red" (blood) oranges. Curry. Plain (unsweetened) yogurt.
For a while, he was referring to himself exclusively in the third person, calling himself Ah-nee.  "Ah-nee's coming in!  Ahnee wants some special coffee." He dropped that a couple months ago.  Suddenly, he was "Edson" or "You".  That's right, his first and second person pronouns are switched.  So in all the above quotes, whenever he says "you", he means "I".  That's not confusing at all. 

E: You wanna make the train go up the bridge and down the bridge?
Me: I sure do!  puts train up bridge
E: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! starts crying  Edson wants to do it.  Let Edson do it.
Me: Oh.  You meant to say I want to make the train go up and down.
E: Yeah.

I'm sure it will resolve itself eventually.