Monday, December 31, 2012

Crusher's newest tricks

He can now twist his head on top of my already-diminished bladder, causing a sharp and urgent need to pee. Right That Second.

Yesterday, David and I went for a walk.  It was 28 degrees or so.  I went to the bathroom first, then immediately put on boots, coat, hat, scarf, and gloves.

And had to pee again.  Not 2 minutes later.

David said, "Are you serious?"
I did not deign to answer except with my waddly hustle to the bathroom.  Or maybe I said, "Shut up," or "That's not nice," or some other witty response.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Week 35, day 4

The three of us at a Christmas party
My lovely cousin wrote me a message, asking how things were going.  As I typed, it hit me - I'm full term in 10 days.  He could come in 10 days and be healthy and fine.  If it were easier for me to stand, I'd go take a picture of the "nursery" to post.  Rolls of Christmas paper, a spilled box of ribbons, piles of papers (to file, pregnancy info, baby info, stuff I can't figure out what to do with, coupons, notebooks, cards I was supposed to send, magazines), piles of books, the clothes drying rack (with clean clothes drying - 10 points for me!), baby stuff in boxes, baby stuff out of boxes waiting to be cleaned and put away, a lamp (on the floor because there's no room anywhere else).  Alas!  The description will have to do, as I'm definitely too tired to get up and photograph the chaos.  I have my work cut out for me.  Preferably, before I go back to work.

New symptoms: 

  • Can't breathe.  He's crushing my lungs.  We walked to the grocery store the other day and I had to stop to catch my breath.  It's one mile away.  At work, I have to catch my breath halfway up the stairs.  
  • Braxton Hicks.  Go, uterus, go!  It's practicing away, which is extra fun with my lungs in the condition they're in.  More gasping for breath as the lungs get even squisheder.
  • Itchy belly.  
  • Poo problems.  No details (you're welcome).
  • Can't sit, stand, or lie down comfortably for longer than 30 minutes.  I'm still grunting (in a most dignified fashion) every time I move.

Dealing with diabetes:

After the first two weeks, it got easier.  I don't cry when people offer me cookies anymore.  My numbers have evened out to what they are supposed to be the vast majority of the time.  Most of my cake cravings are gone.  That makes being noble easier.

I am frequently not noble.  Last week, I had the most divine french toast stuffed with berries and whipped cream cheese.  Felt sick all afternoon.  Worth it.  Christmas morning, I cheated by having a clementine with my sausage strata (I'm not supposed to have fruit before lunch).  My numbers were fine.  DEFINITELY worth it, and tempting me to cheat with fruit more regularly.

Best meals that kept my numbers good so far:

  • Chicken Saltimbocca with Hearty Minestrone (no noodles).  Winning number: 95
  • Turkey, gravy, sauteed green beans with maple pecans and orange essence, small serving of mashed potatoes, pan-roasted pear salad with balsamic glaze.  Soda water and cranberry juice mocktail.  Winning number: 112
  • Baked salmon with lemony crust, steamed broccoli, blue potato.  Winning number: 97

My biggest breakthrough was noticing the stress pattern.  My blood sugar is crazy high when I'm stressed and low when I'm relaxed.  Even when I eat the same exact meal.  Then I get stressed out over being stressed out, exacerbating the problem and adding to the my-cortisol-is-hurting-my-baby guilt.  It's a good thing it's Christmas break.  I only have to work for 18 more days.

Official count: 32 days left.  Hurray for Crusher!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

I might be 32 weeks pregnant?

That sounds right.  I think last week I was telling people I was 31 weeks pregnant, but it's getting more and more difficult to remember things like that.  Or any things.  Or walk up the stairs.

I'm also feeling a little brain-fogged after waking up after a nightmare SO ANGRY at David I couldn't get back to sleep (he wouldn't turn his music down in the dream, and I had to call my mom to tell her I had just given birth to a baby girl).  So I've been awake for a while.

Now I've forgotten what I was going to blog about.

I have a student who asks me a random pregnancy question every day.  Most of them are normal Can he hear?  Does he pee?  Do you feel him kick?  Yes, yes, yes.  But on Tuesday, he had the Best Question Ever.

If you throw up, could you throw up your baby?

I could have said, "Yes, it's really scary, but usually they just have you swallow the baby again and it's ok."  Or even, "You have zero understanding of female anatomy, huh?"

But I said with a straight face, "No, the uterus is not connected to the stomach."

Until all the kids around him started laughing.  Then I laughed to the point of tears.  It's ok.  He can take some mockery.  This is Star Wars boy.  The same boy who said, "But I thought Star Wars was filmed on other planets."

In diabetic world, I'm testing adding some unsweetened coco powder and stevia to my warm vanilla milk.  I'll let you know how it goes.  I miss hot chocolate.  And all chocolate.