Monday, October 1, 2012

Fun and not-so-fun

It's fun being smack in the middle of the second trimester - I have a bump!  My hair is fantastic! I can wear stretchy pants every day and no one says anything!  

The things I really like:

Funny conversations with strangers
At Ross yesterday, we were looking at baby clothes when a complete stranger asked if I was pregnant. She then started a conversation about hospitals (I should change mine) and how she was in the hospital for five days because of a third degree episiotomy.  Which she then explained further.  I will spare you the details, both now and in the future, as my perinium is something I will not describe to anyone but my doctor.  You're welcome.

I was serious about my hair
It never falls out and doesn't get greasy.  I washed my hair on Tuesday and it looked fantastic all week. I only washed it on Saturday because the idea of it was grossing me out.  The actual hair looked great!
Feeling Crusher move
Followed closely by...

David feeling Crusher move

Hearing Crusher's heartbeat with an app on my phone

Having an excuse to look at baby things
And when I cry looking at cute things, people think I'm cute and not weird.  At least that's what they say.

The things I miss:
  • Soft cheese, especially a nice herbed chevre.  Or maybe blue cheese on salad.  Feta... mmm... feta.... Cotija too.  Goshdarnit.
  • Turkey sandwiches (especially this summer, when it was a serious craving)
  • Cold beer on a hot day

If I could get rid of one symptom of pregnancy, it would be:

1st trimester:  nausea
2nd trimester:  round ligament pain

I could also do without swollen feet and acne.  My body's taking the pregnancy "glow" a step too far with that.

Additional Notes:

This afternoon, David picked up a 17.5 pound weight and handed it to me, saying, "No wonder you're tired!  You've been carrying this around all day."  That makes me feel a lot better about coming straight home and crashing on the couch.  Especially since most of those pounds are right smack in my belly.

Speaking of my belly, I noticed today at work that all my coworkers say hi, glance at my face, then drop their eyes straight to the belly where they stay for the remainder of the conversation.  Hello!  My eyes are up here!